Falling Out Of Love – Mary Gauthier

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Mary Gauthier的音乐历程颇为传奇,早年的她叛逆不羁,吸毒并且在狱中耗费了大把的青春,直到30多岁时才在音乐中找到自我。35岁时完成了自己的第一张专辑。

大器晚成的Mary Gauthier在2005年带来了颇受好评的新专辑《mercy now》,吝啬的AMG也给出了四颗半星的高评,整张专辑弥漫着灰暗低调的气氛,不经意间你就会被Mary Gauthier呢喃似的吟唱带入她的音乐世界。

曲目Falling Out Of Love 选自《mercy now》,从前奏的第一个鼓点开始,心头怦然而动,Mary Gauthier略带沧桑的声音让人不由的用心跟随她前进。
















Mary Gauthier主页地址:

Falling Out Of Love – Mary Gauthier

试听: http://listen30.payplay.fm/g/a/gauthier05/gauthier05-01-clip.mp3

It’s a cheap hotel, the heat pipes hiss
The bathroom’s down the hall, and it smells like piss
It’s another night in another town
And I’m another blues traveler headed down

Falling out of love is a dangerous thing
With its slippery slopes and its weighted wings
With its birds of prey circling overhead
Casting vulture shadows on barren beds
Let me out, set me free
Let me out, set me free

The clock inside the church bell tower
Rings your name every hour
I see your face, I touch your hair
Then the ringing fades and nobody’s there

Falling out of love is a treacherous thing
With its crucible kiss and its ravaged ring
With its holy whispers and labyrinth lies
Sacrilegious hungry sighs
Let me out, set me free
Let me out, set me free

I walk the streets, and I taste the dirt
I am flesh and blood, and my body hurts
I search your silence looking for a crack
For a passageway where I can pull you back

Falling out of love is a tedious thing
With its jailhouse smirk and its chain gang swing
Its time to serve and its sentence set
With its warm blood and cold sweat
Let me out, set me free
Let me out, set me free

听着Mary Gauthier的Falling Out Of Love,不由的想起另一首很喜欢的歌,Allan Taylor 的 The stranger ,选自专辑《Hotels and Dreamers》。初次听这首歌应该是05年末的时候吧,当时是一首无名歌曲,找了朋友扒了歌词才搜到歌手和曲目名称,着实稀罕了一段时间。

The stranger 也是一首写给旅者的歌,Allan Taylor 那沧桑的老男人嗓子,让人沉醉。


Mary Gauthier是阴暗的,而Allan Taylor则是明亮的。之前的我肯定会比较喜欢前者,而如今,2008年元旦夜还在码字的我则更喜欢明亮点的后者了。



The stranger – Allan Taylor

试听: http://www.polestar.net.cn/mp3/The_Stranger.mp3


A stranger came in from the night
And he stood as if lost in a dream
His smile was as sad as a true love denied
And hie voice was a song in the wind

I have travelled for many a mile
And my journey i cannot delay
But I must rest for a while for Im weary and cold
And tomorrow Ill be on my way

Give me fire to keep out the cold
Close the shutters and make fast the door
Give me food for the night and a candle for light
And I will make up my bed on the floor

I have nothing to give for my keep
And your favours I cannot repay
But a gift is not measured in silver and gold
Its a memory thats treasued each day

The stranger arose with the dawn
And he shouldered his travelling load
Without making a sound he took one look around
And the stranger he took to the road

When the cold wind howls in the night
And the rain beats hard on the door
A voice in the wind seems to echo again
And the stranger is travelling once more


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